Have you ever taken a moment to observe all the laws that we must obey as we operate a motorized vehicle? We have speeding laws, school zone laws, child restraint laws, pedestrian laws, DUI laws, driving while texting laws, passing laws, parking laws, signage laws and road markings laws just to name a few. Don't get me wrong, I am a man with great appreciation for laws, well ... actually ... most of them (sigh).
In order to take a bath in Boston, Massachusetts you must have a doctor’s written prescription.
Wearing suspenders is illegal in Nogales, Arizona.
Singing out of tune in North Carolina is against the law.
It is illegal to set a trap for a mouse in California without a hunting license.
Idaho law makes it illegal to give your sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than fifty pounds.
You are not permitted to swim on dry land in Santa Ana, California.
You cannot whistle on Sunday in Louisiana.
In Connecticut, the law states that if you are a Beaver, you have the legal right to build a dam.
A Belvedere, California ordinance was written this way; “No dog shall be in public without its master on a leash.”
In Idaho, you cannot fish for trout from the back of a giraffe.
In the Pine Island District of Minnesota, a man must tip his hat when passing a cow
It is illegal to lasso a fish in Knoxville, Tennessee.
On Market Street in San Francisco, the law requires that elephants must be kept on a leash.
In Colorado Springs, Colorado, the law upholds a dog’s right to one bite.
Indiana has a law against taking a bath in the Winter.
As you can see, we are surrounded by laws ... even a few stupid ones. The truth is, without laws we would be in some more kind of mess wouldn't we? Is not anarchy the price we pay for lawlessness? Knowing this, most people want to live their lives within the context of our laws because anarchy is not an option.
Laws are there for our protection, not our harm. God gave us natural laws such as the law of gravity to keep us from floating into outer space. Government has written civil laws such as traffic laws to keep us from getting run over. So it is with God's Law. His Law is for our good, not our harm. To me, God's Law should be the final word on any subject. As we have often seen, Congress has the power to change civil laws, but certainly not God's Law. I think that is what bothers me so much about the present political climate we are in. Just because a political leader wants it, or a social group demands it, or a political party endorses it or even if Congress should decide to redefine it, it still doesn't make it right. Congress has done many "good" things for America, but Americans need Congress to do the "right" things for America. It has been said that "good is the enemy of right!" Good is not always right, but right is always good.
Are you a law-abiding citizen? Do you treat you fellow man with respect and dignity and love your neighbor as yourself? Whatever you do, live according to the Law of God. God's Law is perfect and complete. We can't add to it or take away from it. If God calls it sin, then it is sin. If God says it is wrong, then it is wrong. If God says that I should do this or that, then guess what? I should do this or that. As children of God, we are called upon to be law abiding citizens. It is our obligation to obey both the civil and the spiritual. People who are caught disregarding civil law get a citation. Perhaps God should pull us aside again and remind us of His Laws again. Selah