The phrase "house of cards" is an expression that dates back to 1645. Its meaning is understood to be referring to a structure or argument built on a shaky foundation or one that will collapse if a necessary but possibly overlooked or unappreciated element is removed (emphasis added). As I contemplate the present state of our United States, I can’t help but be reminded of this phrase. I am not a “doom and gloom” person. Accentuating the positive is much more productive to me than being Chicken Little and crying, “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”. However, one cannot ignore a much “overlooked or unappreciated” element that historically, has made America strong … the BIBLE!
My perspective on life and legacy made a major shift the day my first grandson Aiden was born. Now that I have three (Israel & Eliza Grace), I have really started to view life from a different perspective. Like all Pawpaw’s, I want the very best for my family. But I can’t help but be concerned about the nation that they will grow up in. We are consumed by a national debt and a moral conscience that appears to have been “seared with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:2).
We know from the Genesis account what happens when man abandons God. Adam and Eve believed the serpents lie and sin entered the human race. But I am not sure we understand the full extent of what happens when God abandons a nation. Paul gives us some insight into this in the Book of Romans. To be brief, the sequence goes like this.
1. That nation becomes obsessed with sexual activity (see Rom. 1:24).
2. Homosexuality becomes more prominent by practice (see Rom. 1:26 & 27).
3. The wisdom and knowledge of man diminishes and he becomes deceived and without conscience (see Rom. 1:28 & 29).
4. They become “haters” of God and Godly principles (see Rom. 1:30 & 31).
All four of these indicators are very prevalent in our nation today and in many cases, even protected by our laws. As Christians, we feel the resentment and hatred of the secular world more than ever before. To the world, Christians are a nuisance to their secular agenda. I am sure that many who read this, especially Christians, are grieved that our government proudly provides free contraception for our youth, supports the murder of babies while still in their mother’s womb, expelled God from our classrooms, begun the removal God from governmental structures and now promotes homosexual behavior by advocating gay marriage. These are all magnets that invite the wrath of God upon a nation. What God has already condemned in His Word; the Supreme Court of the United States has now affirmed in our laws.
Proverbs 16:25 (NASB) says, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” It is fool’s gold to believe that God will continue remain silent. What is happening in America is nothing more than cheese set in a mousetrap. It may look good and they may desire it immensely, but chasing after it will lead to ultimate death. I take no great pleasure in saying that either. It concerns me that America has spiraled downward instead of upward. America’s passions and desires have become the Trojan Horse to our potential demise.
In light of this, I believe it would do us all some good to not forget a few basic things.
1. God is not an American. He loves Americans as He does everyone, but He is not of this world. The nation that we live in is not His Kingdom. A man-made system will always fail. America is a democratic society, but the Kingdom of God will not be put the vote of a majority. God will have the sole word, the only word and the final word.
2. It is not the responsibility of America to imitate Christ. That job belongs to His Church. I encourage all of Christ followers to model Him and make prayer and devotion your greatest companions during these trying times. As J.J. Weeks Band sings, “Let them see You in me, let them hear You when I speak, let them feel You when I sing, let the see You, let them see You in me”.
3. Man will not be judged according to any nation’s Constitution. We will be judged according to God’s Word not man’s decrees and every knee will bow before the Supreme Judge, not the Supreme Court. They too will bow before Him one day. Judgment day is coming and we will all give an account to God for every word and every deed. Let that thought resonate in your mind and heart today.
4. This is the Church’s greatest hour. We have asked God to bring revival back to our land. We have been crying out for restoration, restitution and repentance. Like the early believers, I believe oppression against the Church can be the vehicle to get us there. What greater opportunity do we have than right now to be His Ambassadors of Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:20) and His witness to the world (Matt. 28:19 & 20)? We are still His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against us (Matt. 16:18).
5. Love people unconditionally. Loving them is not agreeing with them (see 1 Cor. 13). Extend God’s grace to everyone, especially those who have yet to experience it. We will never win the world by being hate mongers. There is an old military adage that says, “don’t give your enemy any ammunition to use against you”. You can love the sinner without loving the sin. Speak the truth in love but make sure that when you do, you have already modeled it.
6. The greatest gift to the world is still Jesus (John 3:16)! He is still the Answer! He is still the Door (John 10:9)! He is still the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE (John 14:6).